B. Tech @  VIT Bhopal 

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) is conducted for admission to undergraduate engineering programmes in VIT group of Institutions. VITEEE will be conducted between 21st April 2025 to 27thApril 2025 (Tentative) at designated centres across India and abroad. 

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Schools @  VIT Bhopal 

VIT Bhopal has made a mark in higher education as one of the best engineering institutes in Central India. The Institute hosts 7 Schools offering academic and research-oriented engineering and management courses both at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. The prospective students can opt for any school, based on their area of interest and future career goals.
At VIT Bhopal, research plays an imperative role on par with academics, facilitating interdepartmental collaborations, besides providing ample opportunities for the students to keep themselves updated of the technological advancements and innovations. All the schools are equipped with state of the art laboratories to impart practical knowledge as per the current industrial standards.

VIT Bhopal University


Programmes Offered

B. Tech.  Programmes Offered 

Courses offered through VITEEE 2025

VIT Bhopal has various divisions at different schools, these divisions focus on specialized domain programmes. We deliver a challenging and innovative engineering curriculum through our carefully developed interdisciplinary programmes. Please explore the specialized domains and find your ideal programme to study at VIT.

BTech Aerospace Engineering

School of Mechanical Engineering offers

B. Tech Aerospace Engineering
Four Years

Aerospace Engineering is a highly specialized technical field that requires overall excellence in mathematical, calculative and observational skills and also exposes students to advanced applications of this field. Aerospace engineering involves aircraft design, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. In addition, it also involves testing, designing the components and subassemblies for these crafts; including engines, airframes, wings, landing gear, control systems, and instruments.


BTech Computer Science

In the upcoming decade, AI would be overpowering most of the sectors in the world, with the increasing amount of data available and data being termed as “The new oil” AI has got worldwide attention and would be creating a huge impact as the fourth industrial revolution.

Artificial Intelligence, being the study and creation of computer systems that can perceive, reason and act, can be used as a multidisciplinary tool to improve existing technologies. VIT Bhopal offers various programmes on AI technology.

School of Computer Science & Engineering  offers

B. Tech CSE (AI & ML)
Four Years

B. Tech CSE (Health Informatics)
Four Years

School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering  offers

B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Cybernetics)
Four Years

School of  Mechanical Eningeering  offers

B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (Artificial Intelligence & Robotics)
Four Years


BTech Bio Engineering

School of BioSciences, Engineering and Techology  offers

B. Tech BioEngineering
Four Years

In next few years, India will require millions of bioengineers with diversified expertise in biology, material science, bio signal image processing, artificial skin grafts and organs, wearable biomedical devices, nanorobotics, gene edition, brain-computer interfaces. healthcare, biomechanics, and engineering, to combat debilitating and rare diseases, continuing solution for worldwide health issues by lowering the cost of care. With the increase spread of Coronavirus(Covid-19) the demand for bioengineers even has increased multiple folds in recent years. Bioengineering at VIT Bhopal provides a unique opportunity for students to get acquainted with biological sciences course combined with engineering courses.

VIT Bhopal Bioengineering division offers future-ready interdisciplinary course designed in a way so that students can come up with solutions for challenging problems related to healthcare and environment. Our division gives students the platform to learn, grow and helps in their holistic development by internationally renowned mentors with the state-of-the-art laboratory facilities

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BTech Cyber Security Digital Forensics

School of  Computer Science & Engineering offers

B. Tech CSE (Cyber Security & Digital Forensics)
Four Years

In next  few years, India will require millions of Cyber Security Professionals to keep the people, organizations and even the economy of India, safe and protected against the high-tech threats and crimes. Looking at the severity and need, specialized courses on Cyber Security and Digital Forensics are greatly in demand. VIT Bhopal is one of the pioneer universities which has started specialized programmes to create expert scholars in this arena. The Cyber Security & Digital forensic division at VIT Bhopal is one of the most active teams of learners and experts in central India. Having a close association with the Government agencies, IT industries and foreign universities. the division provides universally accepted, highly valuable graduate and postgraduate engineering courses on Cyber Security & Digital Forensic along with doctorate degrees.

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BTech Data Science

Data science continues to evolve as one of the most promising and in-demand career options for skilled professionals. As of today there has been a complete transformation happening in the traditional skills of analyzing large amounts of data, data mining and programming skills. Data continues to change our working abilities, the way we interact, and it influences every dimension of our routine lives. For instance, E-commerce is seeping into our functioning. Machine Learning can process the information much faster with its accelerated learning and advanced capabilities and is contributing immensely in the expansion of Data Science. The potential for quantum computing and data science is huge in the future.

The Data Science division is an interdisciplinary engineering department spanning the broad areas of computational, data systems, cloud computing & E-commerce.

School of Computer Science & Engineering  offers

B. Tech CSE (Cloud Computing & Automation)
Four Years

B. Tech CSE (E-commerce Technology)
Four Years

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BTech Gaming And Education Technology

School of Computer Science & Engineering  offers

B. Tech CSE Specialization in  Gaming Technology
Four Years

B. Tech CSE Specialization in  Education Technology
Four Years

Game technology is developing so rapidly that it will reach over 300 billion by 2026. We can expect game platforms to continue developing with billions of dollars in profit and over 2.5 billion gamers around the world. Gaming Technology at VIT Bhopal includes not only the art of game development but also core skills of Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science. The curriculum attracts all kinds of students having interests and skills in various categories like competitive programming, game design, and mechanics, human-computer interaction, blockchain gaming, cloud gaming, artificial engineering, etc. Gaming technology is revolutionizing not only to the entertainment sector but also to the Manufacturing Sector, Medical Sector, HealthCare Systems. Graphic engines used for gaming, such as Unity or Unreal, can be used to develop applications for engineering and manufacturing use cases.

The educational system has been transformed after both Covid 19 and Industry 4.0. The four-year B.Tech CSE Specialization in ‘Education Technology’ at VIT Bhopal prepares students for careers as instructional designers (who plan and prepare instructional programmes), educational consultants (who work with professional educators to improve the quality of teaching and learning), and educational technology specialists (who assist others in designing, planning, deploying, and using technology in schools, universities, virtual learning platforms, MOOCs, and other educational settings). This course empowers students to develop an AI-enabled online learning platform, AR/VR-based educational software, suitable mobile applications for learning solutions, and bring an innovative software solution for the education industry.

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BTech VIT Bhopal

Regardless of the digital age, we are still reliant on various machines. The country’s economy depends on aspects such as its ability to produce and fulfill the infrastructural requirements. Evergreen core engineering programmes produce the workforce, which can be the main contributor to fulfill such requirements.  While newer, more specialized streams of engineering appear to take over, it is evident that they are originally the ramifications of the core streams. These core programmes can act as the foundation for the specialization courses and students pursuing it are more likely to have a broader base to pursue their specializations in.

VIT Bhopal offers following core programmes at its various schools:

School of  Computer Science & Engineering offers

B. Tech Computer Science and Engineering
Four Years

School of Electrical & Electronics Engineering  offers

B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering 
Four Years

School of Mechanical Engineering  offers

B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
Four Years

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VIT Bhopal Placements Overview

VIT Bhopal during placement of its first and second batch of B.Tech professionals has retained the glory of VIT placements with job offers in major corporate giants like Microsoft, Amazon, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Intel, HP, IBM, Philips etc. VIT Bhopal stand firm on its commitment of “One Student, One Job” which is being reflected in its placement records.

Placements at VIT Bhopal were unstoppable even during the COVID-19 pandemic when job opportunities were less worldwide

What achievers say

VITEEE Admissions 2025

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) is conducted for admission to undergraduate engineering programmes in VIT group of Institutions. VITEEE will be conducted between 21st to 27th April 2025 (tentatively) at designated centres across India and abroad. The duration of the examination will be 2 hours and 30 minutes. Candidates can appear only once for VITEEE. All questions will be Multiple Choice Questions and one mark for right and 0 for the wrong answer. There will be a total of 125 questions divided into the section Maths/Biology (40 questions), Physics (35 questions), Chemistry (35 questions), Aptitude (10 questions), and English (5 questions). The question paper will be in English only.

VIT will verify the eligibility of the candidates after completing the tuition fees payment on or before the stipulated date. Candidate are required to produce documents on the day of coming to the campus or as and when asked for, by the office of Admission. Provisional admission offered during counseling will be valid ONLY if the eligibility is fulfilled.

Last date to apply : March 31st, 2025
Dates of examination (VITEEE-2025) : April 21st- 27th, 2025 (Tentatively)
(The number of days for each city will vary)

Results (VITEEE-2025) : 30th – April – 2025 (Tentatively)

Online Counselling: (VITEEE-2025) : To be Announced

Applications are open for VIT Engineering Entrance Examination(VITEEE)

Apply Now to avoid any inconvenience.